The start of a new year is a time for resolutions – it’s a time to make improvements and to start working towards your personal and business goals. For many companies, creating a stronger brand identity and marketing strategy is always on the list of resolutions. This is a big task, but there’s one simple way that you can work towards achieving your goal: Prepare for company events, presentations, trade shows, and more with professional lighting and gobo projections.
Here are several ideas that will strengthen your brand identity going into the new year:
Light up your company logo
Create a custom gobo design of your brand logo to use at company events, trade shows, and as a backdrop to all your presentations.
Put your speakers in the spotlight
When you or a team member is giving a presentation, make sure you capture the audience’s attention with strategically placed lighting. A wall and ceiling mount projector gives you the ability to project from anywhere in your office or venue.
Stock up on stock gobos
Be prepared for corporate events and purchase stock gobos for the upcoming holidays and any other themed party you plan to host. Star gobos and Christmas gobos are some of our most popular.
Go full color
Color filters can give your logo or a stock gobo image a new look and feel. We recommend the amber filter for New Year’s. A custom full color glass gobo is also a great way to make a statement. Project life-like photographs and detailed artwork or just retain the exact look and feel of your brand.
Greet your guests with a custom gobo
Make a good impression as soon as your visitors enter the front lobby with a custom gobo projected on the main entry wall. Try adding ‘welcome’ text to your logo light gobo or project your tagline or mission to reinforce what your company stands for.
Don’t let your new year’s resolution fade away after the first week of January. Start planning in advance and use the above tips to put together a ‘gobo branding toolkit’ that will last you throughout the new year.
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