Earlier this month, GoboSource attended the Safety 2019 Professional Development Conference & Exposition in New Orleans. The annual conference has over 240 sessions of IACET accredited education in subject areas ranging from construction transportation. Over 600 companies, including GoboSource, present cutting edge products, technology and techniques for occupational safety. We attended to learn more about best practices and the latest innovations in safety management and to share our safety image projection solutions with over 5,000 OSH professionals from across the country.
We left New Orleans full of new ideas, connections, and renewed motivation to improve our virtual signage offerings. We were blown away by the insights we gained from the presenters and deeply value the opportunity Safety 2019 gave us to speak face-to-face with hundreds of professionals in the field.
Here are our 3 top takeaways from the event:
The market for virtual signage is growing
Industry professionals are looking for better solutions to their signage challenges. Adhesive and painted signage have dominated the market for years, but as best safety practices and technology evolve, there’s a growing demand for more flexible, durable, and visible signage. Virtual signage can meet this demand and greatly improve the ability of industry professionals to protect workers while streamlining production.
Professionals are looking for cost effective workplace safety solutions
Workplace safety is obviously a priority for the professionals who attend Safety 2019. They care about creating a safe environment for their employees and are concerned about meeting OSH requirements. They also, however, often have limited budgets, so it’s critical they find safety solutions that are both cost effective and comply with OSH standards. We were excited to share with attendees that virtual signage has an approximate ROI of just 1 year in rugged environments and can last nearly 20 times longer than traditional signage.
Top application for virtual signage: Forklift intersections
We discovered that virtual signage is especially useful at forklift intersections. These intersections are especially dangerous because there tends to be more activity concentrated in these zones. Tall shelving units also make it difficult for pedestrians to see approaching vehicles and vice versa. Painted or adhesive signage is still the most common solution for these intersections, but with the high amount of foot and vehicle traffic, the signs quickly become obscured by dirt and wear away at an unsustainable rate.
Using virtual signage at these busy intersections eliminates the problem of dirty signs and greatly increases the signs’ longevity. Safety professionals can easily create an intersection at any busy crossing zone and have the choice to project it continually or add motion sensors, triggering the intersection to appear as a vehicle or pedestrian approaches.
It’s time to share the benefits and applications of virtual signage
Lastly, the Safety 2019 attendees were eager to learn more about the benefits and applications of virtual signage for their workplace. We left the event feeling energized and inspired to further develop our safety signage solutions to meet the needs of this diverse audience. If you have questions about using virtual signage in your workplace, don’t hesitate to contact us. One of our gobo projection specialists will be happy to assist you in a custom signage solution for your space.
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