Author Archives: gobosour

Lady Gaga uses Clay Paky fixtures for latest tour

Launching her fourth major concert tour for her new album, "Artpop," Lady Gaga is supporting her innovative and decadent stage performance w [...]

3 tips on optimizing your gobo designs for marketing use

Using gobo lights in marketing and for business events requires careful planning, but the payout can be extraordinary. [...]

Looking for Budget Conscious Wedding Decor? Gobos Could Be Your Solution

Weddings can become very expensive, very quickly, and couples often look for ways to reduce their costs without making their event any less [...]

Gobos can help optimize mood in music television shows

While we often discuss the merits of gobos in weddings, businesses trade shows and live events, the use of them for television, especially r [...]

Maximize draw at a trade show with the right lights

With so many different vendors and businesses attending a trade show, instant attraction is a critical component of drawing in potential cus [...]

Go beyond the names for your wedding gobo lighting

A gobo image with the bride and groom's names on it can be a spectacular addition to any wedding, but there is so much more that can be done [...]

New lights can bring life to an old venue

Rather than spending thousands on renovations, an older theater or bar can use its antiquated furnishing to its advantage, as long as it has [...]

Lighting design delivers the ambiance in clubs, bars

Regardless of the quality of drinks and music, if the ambiance doesn't fit the mood of your target patrons, they won't flock through the doo [...]

Lighting is everything in a haunted house

Traditional haunted houses might be poorly lit, but proper use of gobo lights and designs could turn your attraction into a true fright fest [...]
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