Gobo lights have been used in photography nearly since their invention, but there are a wide variety of ways to enhance photography with custom images and lighting designs. From creating a monograph for a wedding photo to creating fascinating lighting illusions, gobos can add a missing flare to your photo sessions without having to travel to a variety of different locations to capture the same effects.
When it comes to photography and gobo images, the best way to incorporate them is through one of these three methods:

Color diffusion – Gobos and color filters can help you make subtle changes to lighting color in a photo, helping to adjust otherwise uncontrollable factors such as the time of day and the RGB scale. By utilizing gobos for color enhancement, a photographer can make an indoor studio look more like a summer or winter day, or create the appearance of twilight or the beautiful dawn sky, all in a single photo session.
Lighting illusions – Rather than altering colors or similar lighting needs, a photographer can alter how lighting falls on a subject in their photos with gobos. A gobo can create the illusion of light filtered through window blinds, shining through stained glass or even more fantastical looks, such as fire, water diffusion and more. These effects can be achieved using different gobos or projectors, such as the ECO Spot LED40-LE LED Liquid Effect Projector.
Monogram – Of course, the classic use of gobos is still a powerful one. Projecting a name or other words into the back- or foreground of a photo can be a great way to enhance a wedding or other event and create a more memorable experience for the subjects as well.
Check out our stock metal gobos and colored glass gobos at GoboSource, or contact us to create your own, unique designs to enhance your photography.