
Aerial Sky Scrapers - RSS 79021 - Stock Gobo Steel

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Stock Artwork steel gobos have an average production time of three (3) business days.
The minimum order quantity for Rosco Stock Steel gobos is three pcs. unless combined with other products.
Pattern Name: Aerial Sky Scrapers
Rosco Number: 79021
DHA Number: 99021

Fill out the Form below and enter the Quantity at the bottom of the page, then Click Add to Cart.

Search: Type any Search Term into the Search Box on the left, for example, type 'star' to find any gobo with stars.

Add More Gobos: After putting a pattern into the Shopping Cart you can add more patterns by selecting them from the Order Products-Box on the left.

Small Sizes: Sizes marked with ** may not be available for complex designs or the designs may have to be modified to fit the small image space.

Lead Time: Stock gobos usually ship within a day or two, select the desired shipping option during checkout.